Cosmic Villains That Marvel Fans Want To See In The MCU

Listing 10 extremely powerful cosmic villains from the Marvel Comics that fans want to see in the MCU.

By Chandraboli Majumdar
January 7,2023
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In the Marvel comics the Cosmic Entities made the Infinity Stones during the Big Bang, ancient creatures that existed before the cosmos even began. They exist as myths even to the earliest species in the cosmos because they are mysterious and strong beyond human knowledge. These cosmic entities include the Celestials, The One Above All, Eternity and many others. So it’s pretty obvious that cosmic beings are quite powerful. Then, why not introduce a few more cosmic villains from the Marvel comics to the MCU? Here is our list of 10 cosmic villains that we really want to see come alive on the big screen.

1. Galactus, the devourer of worlds in the Marvel Universe 

Galactus, the all powerful cosmic entity in Marvel Comics
Galactus, the all powerful cosmic entity in Marvel Comics

Galan, better known as Galactus is a cosmic entity in the Marvel Universe. He devours worlds and survives on the energies of planets. Galactus chooses heralds who are tasked with looking for an appropriate world to consume. Silver Surfer was one such herald. Infact, Galactus is one of the most powerful beings in the universe and possess the Power Cosmic. He is almost as powerful as a celestial.

2. The Beyonder, who may soon appear in the MCU 

The Beyonder about to be introduced in the MCU
The Beyonder about to be introduced in the MCU

Beyonder is an immensely powerful being with unimaginable powers of warping and manipulating reality. His character was so crazy powerful that it had to be retconned multiple times in the Marvel comics. He has often fought the New Mutants and the Avengers and has come out on top. We will most likely see him during Avengers: Secret Wars

3. Abraxas

Abraxas from Marvel Comics
Abraxas from Marvel Comics

The embodiment of destruction, Abraxas was formed in the very beginning of the universe. Eternity had to ensure that Abraxas would be kept dormant in order to prevent his wrath. Thus, eternity created Galactus. Abraxas emerged after Galactus died. He then had multiple face offs with the Fantastic Four in the Marvel comics.

4. The Fallen One from Marvel Comics 

The Fallen One in Marvel Comics
The Fallen One in Marvel Comics

A herald of Galactus, The Fallen One was a cruel and relentless being who repeatedly attacked his very creator, Galactus. He possessed the power of dark energy and black matter. This made him different from the other heralds who were endowed with cosmic radiation powers.

5. The Magus

Magus vs Adam Warlock
Magus vs Adam Warlock

Remember Adam Warlock, the antagonist of the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 in the MCU? Magus is none other than his evil version. While he was created to be a champion of life and to fight Thanos, he turned into quite the villain himself. He possesses all the powers of Adam Warlock.

6. Mikaboshi, the Japanese God of Evil from Marvel Comics 

Mikaboshi, the Japanese God of Evil
Mikaboshi, the Japanese God of Evil

Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the Japanese God of Evil and Chaos is also another dark counterpart of Eternity. He often fought against other Olympian gods in the Marvel universe and used Japanese dark magic to gain the upper hand against his foes.

7. Annihilus

Annihilus, a cosmic entity in the Marvel Comics
Annihilus in the Marvel Comics

Belonging to the negative zone, Annihilus was an insectoid. His only purpose was to increase his life span in any way possible. Further, he often wielded the cosmic control rod that slowed down his ageing and allowed him to manipulate energy and matter. He even tried to use the cosmic control rod to conquer and demolish an entire realm.

8. Michael Korvac

The cosmic villain, Michael Korvac
The cosmic villain, Michael Korvac

A cybernetically enhanced human, Michael Korvac uses the Power Cosmic. He was a supremely inteligent man back when he was human. Eventually, after receiving cosmic powers, he gained the ability to alter or morph reality.

9. Molecule Man, soon to appear in Avengers: Secret Wars in the MCU 

Molecule Man will soon appear in the MCU
Molecule Man will soon appear in the MCU

Owen Reece aka Molecule Man became an enhanced superpowered being after a mishap involving an atomic device. He was exposed to high levels of radiation which permanently altered his body. Fans are anticipating his introduction in Avengers: Secret Wars as in the Marvel comics, he plays a very central and important role during the Secret Wars event.

10. Overmind

Overmind, a cosmic villain from Marvel Comics
Overmind from Marvel Comics

Grom or Overmind is an original eternal. Born on the planet Eyung, he was a brilliant warrior. Grom has conquered entire worlds and slaughtered multiple species. Furthermore, he had earned the title of Champion of Champions after defeating several worthy opponents in a gladiator style battle. Once Grom became Overmind, his physical prowess was complimented by added mental abilities. He possessed the powers of telepathy, mind control, telekinesis and energy channeling