Guardians of the Galaxy 3: Zoe Saldana Talks About ‘Emotional’ Story

Gamora is Thanos’ daughter in the MCU. But more than that, she is a founding member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Also, she is

By Ishita Chatterjee
February 15,2022
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Gamora is Thanos’ daughter in the MCU. But more than that, she is a founding member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Also, she is Nebula’s sister. Her journey in the MCU has been eventful, to say the least.

Gamora was first introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), and her character arc is going to end in 2023’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The last movie is currently in active production with James Gunn directing.

Last time we saw her getting sacrificed by Thanos so that he could get the powerful Soul Stone during 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War. In Endgame, Gamora from an alternate timeline was brought from 2014 to the current day.

Back then, she hadn’t met Peter Quill. Or experienced her life as a Guardian. So what’s next for Gamora? Actress Zoe Saldana sheds some light on the matter.

Zoe Saldana Talks About Guardians Vol.3 Storyline

Zoe Saldana as Gamora in Avengers: Endgame and Guardians Vol. 2
Zoe Saldana as Gamora in Avengers: Endgame and Guardians Vol. 2

In an interview with Empire, Zoe Saldana talked about shooting the last movie in the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. Here’s what she said:

“It’s bittersweet; after all those years of complaining about that green make-up, I find myself already nostalgic about it. There’s a lot of melancholy here, but also pride that we’ve achieved something great. James Gunn has written a beautiful story, that’s making us emotional even as we shoot it. Omicron plays a doozy on us every other day, but we’re getting by and we’re happy.”

She also discussed Gamora’s arc over the last 8 years. Saldana said:

“Oh my God, yes. She began as this warrior wanting to get out of a very toxic parental relationship, then she finds the Guardians who are dysfunctional-ish as well, but they’re okay. She learns a lot and finds this bigger purpose. Then her dad comes and f***s everything up. She dies, she’s brought back, but it’s not her. I think Gamora’s a little confused, I have to say! But James [Gunn] has weaved this wonderful story around the character and every character in this third film.”

What’s Next For The Guardians? 

Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3

It’s believed that Guardians Vol. 3 will be the definitive ending to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise as we know it. So it’s possible that they will end with a bang.

Till now, they have had an amazing run. And it should be noted that Peter Quill’s Guardians will have shown up about 7 times in live-action after Vol.3. This is certainly an impressive record for a team of heroes that nobody knew about before their first movie.

We might see the Guardians next in Thor: Love and Thunder
We might see the Guardians next in Thor: Love and Thunder.

In one of the final moments of Avengers: Endgame, Quill uses his ship’s computer to look for Gamora’s location. After all, she had disappeared after the final battle.

Since the two were somewhat involved so that search will probably be ongoing in not just Volume 3, but also in Thor: Love and Thunder, where we will see the team next.

Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 comes to theaters May 23, 2023.

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