Marvel’s Teleportation Risk: Doctor Strange’s Deadly Mistake Exposed

Marvel Acknowledges The Dangerous Side Of Teleportation In The MCU, As Doctor Strange’s Misstep Reveals Hidden Threats.

By Akshay Sharma
June 1,2023
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Teleportation is a widely used power in the Marvel Universe, but there is a significant downside that often goes unnoticed. In a preview for Clobberin’ Time #3, Doctor Strange‘s teleportation spell goes awry, bringing an unexpected and ferocious monster to the Thing’s family. This incident sheds light on the inherent danger of teleportation, especially when it involves magical dimensions, in the Marvel Universe.

Even Doctor Strange Faces Consequences In Teleportation Mishap

Doctor Strange

In the preview for Clobberin’ Time #3, Doctor Strange finds himself apologizing for inadvertently bringing a dangerous monster along with his teleportation spell. The creature had attacked Strange while he was traveling through another dimension, and it followed him through the portal to the Thing’s family. This incident showcases that even the Sorcerer Supreme, with his mastery of magic, is not exempt from the risks and unintended consequences of teleportation.

Teleportation: A Gateway For Terrifying Creatures And Potential Threats

Doctor Strange

The Marvel Universe establishes that most teleportation methods involve traversing alternate or pocket dimensions, which can be inhabited by terrifying creatures. These creatures, as demonstrated in the preview, can follow teleporters into the real world, posing a threat to innocent lives. Additionally, teleportation can unknowingly introduce interdimensional bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and even dangerous villains from other realms. The incident with Doctor Strange emphasizes the need for caution among teleporters, as they may unwittingly bring through unseen threats that could have dire consequences.

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