Netflix’s ‘You’ Season 4 Ending Explained

The Finale Completely Changed The Show By Flipping Everything On Its Head

By Amitabh Mukherji
March 10,2023
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The finale of ‘You’ season 4 has completely changed the show, and there’s no going back. Penn Badgley‘s character, Joe Goldberg, is a serial killer who has managed to evade justice despite committing heinous crimes. In the first part of the season, Joe moved to London and assumed the identity of a university professor named Jonathan Moore. He promised to leave his criminal ways behind, but it wasn’t long before the bodies began to pile up. The second half of the season revealed that a new serial killer was luring Joe back to his old ways by killing off his new posh pals one by one.

Rhys Was Just A Figment Of Joe’s Imagination

Rhys And Joe
Rhys And Joe

The season’s finale revealed that Joe had lost his mind. He had become utterly obsessed with Rhys, whom he believed was his friend. However, it turned out that Rhys was just a figment of Joe’s imagination. Joe had killed the real Rhys by order of Kate’s father, and he used his new obsession as an alter ego to unleash his murderous urges. He would then wake up as the newly changed man he claimed to be.

The Final Episode

Marienne And Joe
Marienne And Joe

In the final episode, Joe discovered Marienne’s lifeless body after the grieving mother seemingly overdosed on the pills he had given her for her broken arm. Joe decided to leave Marienne’s body on a park bench rather than bury her so that her daughter could get the closure she deserved. The guilt-ridden Joe then penned a suicide note, confessing to all his crimes. He was summoned by Kate, who was deeply burdened by her father’s possessive nature. Joe took this as free rein to show up at Tom Lockwood’s aircraft hangar for another spot of murder. After killing Tom’s bodyguard and pinning the entire thing on him, it seemed that Joe’s crimes were finally catching up with him.

The Bridge

The Bridge
The Bridge

Joe couldn’t bear the guilt any longer and headed to a bridge where he had a heart-to-heart with his dark side, ‘Rhys,’ who told him: “Despite all I’ve ever done for you, you despise me.” Joe feared for Kate and what he was capable of doing to her, as he had done to all his other victims. He decided to end it all for good by leaping off the bridge. However, he woke up alive in the hospital. Kate arrived and informed him that her father was dead and that he had left his empire to her. As usual, though, Joe was in the clear. Kate had had the evidence wiped, and the pair confessed their twisted love for one another and promised to “keep each other good.” Joe then told his new love every gruesome detail about his past, starting with his real name.

What’s Next ?

You Season 5
You Season 5

But has Joe really changed? Is his reign of terror finally over? The answer is a resounding no. In the midst of all of this chaos, Joe’s student Nadia had been onto him. She found Marienne, and the two came up with a plan to free her.

The finale completely changed the show by flipping everything on its head. It showed that Joe had lost his mind and was now unable to control his murderous urges. He had become completely unhinged and was no longer able to hide behind his façade of normalcy. The show has gone from being a story about a charming and handsome serial killer who somehow manages to evade justice to a story about a mentally ill man who is completely out of control. It will be interesting to see how the show moves forward from here and whether it will continue to explore the darker side of human nature.

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