Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Sparks Debate With Post-Credits Tease

Explore The Controversy Surrounding Spider-Man: Across The Spider-verse As Fans Debate The Absence Of A Post-credits Scene And Analyze The Mid-credits Text Card Tease.

By Amitabh Mukherji
June 1,2023
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Sony Pictures Animation continues their Miles Morales-centered franchise with the highly anticipated sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The question on fans’ minds is whether the movie includes a post-credits scene that sets up the third installment in the series. Since the first film, which introduced the Spider-Verse concept, had a crucial post-credits scene, viewers are eager to know if Across the Spider-Verse follows suit.

In 2018, Sony launched their Marvel universe, encompassing both live-action and animated films, with some connections to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, the Spider-Verse movies have primarily focused on the story of Miles Morales, the young Spider-Man.

Across the Spider-Verse Doesn’t Have A Post-Credits Scene, But Teases Spider-Verse 3

Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse

Contrary to expectations, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse does not feature a post-credits scene. Instead, it presents a text card during the mid-credits that serves as a setup for the third movie in the series, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse. This confirmation ensures that Miles Morales’ journey will continue after the events of Across the Spider-Verse. Although it may not be a traditional post-credits scene, the mid-credits text card provides valuable sequel setup for eager fans.

Is The Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Credits Tease Worth Waiting For?

Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse 

While watching movie credits is always an opportunity to appreciate the hard work of the entire production team, the credits tease in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse holds particular significance for those unaware of the upcoming Beyond the Spider-Verse. Originally planned as a two-part story, Across the Spider-Verse serves as the first part, and Beyond the Spider-Verse concludes the narrative. Given the conclusion of Across the Spider-Verse, it’s worth staying until the end to catch the credits tease.

The release date for Beyond the Spider-Verse is set for March 29, 2024, meaning fans won’t have to wait too long to witness the culmination of the story initiated in Across the Spider-Verse. While delays are always a possibility, the production team has been aware of both movies and has had ample time to work on the sequel. So, although Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse lacks a traditional post-credits scene, it still provides a tantalizing setup for the highly anticipated Beyond the Spider-Verse, slated for release next year.

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