The Mistake That Almost Cost Dwayne Johnson His Shot At Superhero Stardom

Learn About Dc’s Original Plan For Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam Debut And Why Suicide Squad Was Not The Best Option For The Leading Man’s Career

By Amitabh Mukherji
March 30,2023
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Dwayne Johnson, popularly known as “The Rock”, has risen to fame as a leading man in the Hollywood action industry. After leaving behind the days of bad movies like the CGI nightmare of the Scorpion King and G.I. Joe, he has become a top-tier actor with a wide range of options before him.

Black Adam was a long-awaited dream for The Rock, and he finally got to play the part in the 2022 movie. However, the movie’s narrative felt incomplete, and the poor box office performance left Dwayne Johnson stranded outside the gates of DC HQ.

Dwayne Johnson was originally offered a part in David Ayer’s 2016 film, Suicide Squad. However, Suicide Squad ended up being a box office failure with a rating of 26% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Suicide Squad vs. Black Adam

Suicide Squad vs. Black Adam

Suicide Squad could have been an opportunity for The Rock to make his entry into the DC universe, but it would have meant limited options and a shared story with the rest of the squad. It would have also limited the ability to narrate a fully fleshed-out story.

In contrast, Black Adam could have left the door open for a spin-off project and a further build-up toward a showdown against his comic world arch-nemesis, Shazam. While a secondary role did not align with his vision at the time, The Rock could have gained a foothold in DC alongside the Task Force X villains.

In conclusion, Dwayne Johnson’s entry as Black Adam in 2022 gave him the opportunity to play the part he had been pitching for years. However, Suicide Squad would have been a limiting factor in his career. Despite its poor reception, Suicide Squad could have left the door open for a shared universe, whereas Black Adam paved the way for a spin-off project.

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