What Captain America New World Order’s Plot Could Look Like

New Theory About The Plot of The Upcoming Captain America New World Order

By Amitabh Mukherji
December 26,2022
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After significant criticism of Phase 4’s poor execution, fans are slowly building up excitement for the MCU’s Phase 5 plans. “Captain America: New World Order” is one such film that many people are looking forward to. Now a new theory on what its plot could be like is circulating online.

Theory Time

Emilia Clarke To Play Abigail Brand In Secret Invasion
Secret Invasion

During the Secret Invasion show, President Ritson is revealed to have been a Skrull all along. As a result, Vice President Ross succeeds him, and we discover in this film that he was the one who appointed Val as Director of the CIA, because they had been collaborating together for a few years to substantially increase the US’s defence systems against super-natural threats and establish their own “Avengers” team after Ross failed to gain authority over the actual Avengers team.

There Are No Avengers

Iron Man Death

Ross unsettles the citizens into thinking they’re defenseless (which was clearly established when the Skrulls nearly took over the world during the Secret Invasion) and that even their heroes aren’t there to protect them. Tony, Nat, Cap, T’Challa, Wanda, and the original Vision are all dead or gone; Hulk and Hawkeye have stepped down; Thor, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, and Wasp will all be off-planet; and there is presently no active Avengers team.

Ross even emphasises that even the US’s apparent “national hero” and one of the few remaining heroes of Earth, Sam Wilson, is helpless and is nothing without Wakanda’s vibranium, which they refuse to share with the rest of the nations or the world.

Adamantium And The Thunderbolts


Most Americans don’t take Sam seriously and view him as a weaker and more incapable Captain America, despite the fact that he always tries his hardest and goes well beyond his ability to aid as many individuals as possible.

In the meantime, dozens of nations are attempting to claim Tiamut and mine him for this metal element, Adamantium, which may be even more powerful than Vibranium. Ross orders Val to complete the “program” (referring to Sentry) as soon as possible and deploy their squad to the island for their first operation (setting up Thunderbolts).

The Leader And The Army Of Hulks

Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Samuel Sterns in The Incredible Hulk
Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Samuel Sterns in The Incredible Hulk

Ross is after something far more important than the super soldier serum. Ross considers the Hulk to be a success and has been attempting to replicate him for years, but his proposals have always been refused by his authorities. Now that he’s president, he runs directly to The Leader and requests a Hulk army. The Leader requests a lab rat, and we don’t know who it is at first, but it’s clearly Ross.

Red Hulk

Red Hulk
Red Hulk

The Red Hulk is formed and flees the research lab in a rage, attacking civilians. This is brought to Sam’s notice, who attempts but is unable to stop him, prompting him to try to assemble a group of individuals to assist him. Torres, the new Falcon, is one of them, as is Sabra, a mutant super-soldier from Israel. He may also seek assistance from Smart Hulk in determining who the Red Hulk is and how he was created. Who knows? Rhodey could potentially be a member of Sam’s team. They get along well because they are both black, military men who represent Tony and Steve’s legacies.

 World War Hulk


The Leader assembles the Hulk army requested by Ross but goes on a rampage and mind-controls them to fulfil his agenda based on a very loose interpretation of World War Hulk. If the World War Hulk film is actually shelved, we may also see the Leader reawakening the real Hulk and manipulating him against Sam Wilson, which could give Red Hulk the opportunity to band up with the heroes to defeat the World-Breaker Hulk.

In any case, the movie’s post-credits scene depicts Val successfully completing the Sentry project and assembling the whole Thunderbolts squad, including Red Hulk!