What Is Prince Jacaerys’s Mission?

What was the mission of Prince Jacaerys for which he was sent to Eyrie and Winterfell by his mother Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen?

By Mohit Srivastava
October 27,2022
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As soon as the news of King Viserys’s death and Aegon II’s coronation reaches Dragonstone, the Blacks start preparing for the war that is now evident. Rhaenyra and Daemon then give Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys the task of visiting the lords who had sworn their allegiance to Rhaenyra being the next heir after Viserys. While Lucaerys goes to Storm’s End, Jacaerys has a different mission. What is it? Let’s see. 

Prince Jacaerys’s task

Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys

When Lord Bartimos on the ‘Black council’ suggests that if they plan to invade King’s landing, they must ‘first secure the support of Winter fell, the Eyrie, and Storm’s End.’ Bartimos then plans to prepare the ravens to carry their messages. To this Prince Jacaerys (eldest son of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon) interrupts and says that he and his brother (Lucerys) should carry these messages instead of ravens. He gives the argument that – ‘Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they’re more convincing.’

To this suggestion, Rhaenyra (a bit reluctantly) agrees. She then asks Prince Lucerys to fly south to Storm’s End and ‘treat with Lord Borros Baratheon.’ While, she asks Prince Jacaerys to fly north to Eyrie (to see her mother’s cousin, Lady Jeyne Arryn) and then to Winterfell (to treat with Lord Cregan Stark). Rhaenyra further says that they must ‘remind these lords of the oaths they swore. And…the cost of breaking them.’


Eyrie as shown in Game of Thrones

Serving as the seat of House Arryn (one of the oldest Andals family lineages within Vales of Arryn) is the castle of the Eyrie. It is situated in the Mountains of the Moon on the shoulder of the peak known as the Giant’s Lance, several thousand feet above the valley below, hence is impregnable to attack. It is made of fine white stones and has seven slim, white towers bunched tightly together.

Sister of King Viserys’s first wife – Lady Aemma Arryn, Lady Jeyne Arryn is the lady of Eyrie and head of House Arryn. She is also called the Maiden of the Vale. She has been the lady of the castle since the reign of King Jahaerys, the Old. According to Mushroom (in Fire and Blood), Lady Jeyne had a voracious appetite for men and instead preferred other women. Lady Jeyne became Lady of Eyrie at the age of three years in 97 AC, after the death of her father and older brothers. 


Winterfell as shown in Game of Thrones

The seat of House Stark, Winterfell, is considered to be the capital of North. Geographically, it is in the center of the northernmost province of the Seven Kingdoms, on the Kingsroad that runs from Storm’s End to the Wall. There is a village outside, the winter town. Winterfell has been built around an ancient Godswood and over natural hot springs. The water is piped through walls and chambers to heat them, making Winterfell more comfortable than other castles during the harsh northern winters.

During the reign of King Viserys I and the coronation of Aegon II, Lord Cregan Stark was the head of House Stark of Winterfell. He is also called, the Wolf of the North. Born in 108 AC to Lord Rickon Stark and Lady Gillian Grover, Cregan was a stern and formidable man. He succeeded his father at the age of 13 after his death in 121 AC. 

Fate did not favor young Prince Lucerys in his quest to Storm’s End, ultimately leading to the demise of him and his dragon, Arrax. What shall happen to Prince Jacaerys’s quest, remains unanswered until House of the Dragon (HOTD) returns with its second season in 2024. We hope this one is the happy one. Fingers Crossed!