Who Are The Three Wild Dragons On Dragonmont?

Who are the three wild dragons residing in the fiery depths of Dragonmont? Why are they too ferocious to be tamed?

By Mohit Srivastava
October 26,2022
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House of the Dragon (HOTD) finished its hugely successful first season run just a few days ago. The last episode of the season made it clear that a war between two Targaryen factions – ‘the Greens’ and ‘the Blacks’ was just around the horizon. During the episode, Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) is counting down the amount of firepower (Dragons) they possess or have on Dragonstone as opposed to those with the Greens at King’s Landing. In doing so, he mentions that there are three wild dragons (a dragon that has remained unridden by anyone) residing in Dragonmont. Who are these wild dragons exactly according to the lore? Let’s see.


The Cannibal as depicted in Fire and Blood

Perhaps the most infamous of them all, Cannibal is a wild dragon living on Dragonmont since its birth. It lives on by feasting on the dead carcass of other dead dragons, newborn dragon eggs, and baby dragons. According to the few who have caught his sight, he seems to be black in color with menacing green eyes. Of all the dragons living, he is the oldest and biggest.

Some even believe that Cannibal existed on the island even before the arrival of the Targaryens (114 BC). Some smallfolk also believe that Cannibal descends from a whole different lineage of dragons. Many have foolishly attempted to tame the wild beast but ended up becoming his feast. During Prince Jacaerys’s call to Targaryen, none of the bastards had the courage to try taming the Cannibal. bastards to claim these dragons before the commencement of the war (called Sowing), The Cannibal was one of the four dragons that survived the Dance of the Dragons (Targaryen civil war)but vanished after the war.


An artists’s illustration of Netty and Sheepstealer

Another male wild dragon on Dragonmont, called Sheepstealer, had a taste for mutton. It would seldom fly and hunt for sheep between Driftmark and Wendwater, hence the name. He was ‘mud brown’ in color. Sheepstealer, unless provoked, was not aggressive toward humans. However, he was very vicious and ill-tempered. It is believed that Sheepstealer hatched during the reign of the Old King, King Jahaerys Targaryen. Sheepstealer went unclaimed by any rider in his youth, which made him more and more unused to the presence of men and harder to claim with each passing year.

During the Sowing, many came forward and attempted to tame this wild dragon, and died doing so. In fact, Sheepstealer killed more candidates than the other three dragons (Seasmoke, Vermithor, and Silverwing) combined. However, eventually, a young girl named – Nettles was able to tame Sheepstealer. In Fire and Blood, it is mentioned that the girl regularly left a sheep for the dragon to eat, unless the dragon became accustomed and one day allowed her to mount on. Along with Rhaenyra Targaryen’s other Dragonriders, Nettles and Sheepstealer took part in the Battle of the Gullet and the rapid capture of King’s Landing, afterward, Sheepstealer made its lair in the Dragonpit. Later the dragon was lost during the war.

Grey Ghost

Grey Ghost, an artist’s depiction

Pale grey-white in color and having the color of morning mist, Grey Ghost was a ferocious sight to behold. However, he was a shy dragon, who avoided men. He instead, preferred feeding on fish and was often reportedly glimpsed over the narrow sea. During the Sowing, many attempted to look for him on Dragonmont, ‘but could not find him as he was ever an elusive creature.’ However, the dragon suffered death in 130 AC by the crew of Nassaria (a merchant cog). He was later devoured by Sunfyre (the dragon of King Aegon II Targaryen) as he fell on the ground (many wrongly believed that it was the Cannibal’s doing). He remained unridden throughout his lifetime.