Can House Of The Dragon’s Cargyll Twins Outshine Game Of Thrones’ Cleganebowl?

Explore the upcoming duel between House of the Dragon’s Cargyll twins and how it compares to Game of Thrones’ iconic Cleganebowl.

By Akshay Sharma
December 2,2023
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In the world of epic battles and sibling rivalries, House of the Dragon season 2 is gearing up for a showdown that will inevitably draw comparisons to Game of Thrones’ iconic Cleganebowl. While the clash between the Clegane brothers in Game of Thrones was a long-awaited and emotionally charged event, House of the Dragon is set to offer its own version of such a battle. This time, it’s the Cargyll twins who will cross swords, promising an epic confrontation. However, despite the potential for an exciting duel, it’s unlikely to surpass the impact of Cleganebowl.

The Duel of the Cargyll Twins

Cargyll Twins

House of the Dragon season 2 is set to feature a dramatic confrontation between the Cargyll twins, Ser Arryk, and Ser Erryk. Once loyal members of the Kingsguard, the twins now find themselves on opposing sides of a brewing conflict. Ser Arryk serves King Aegon II Targaryen, while Ser Erryk remains loyal to Queen Rhaenyra. As the Dance of the Dragons intensifies, these divided loyalties will lead to a confrontation that mirrors the intensity of Cleganebowl.

The Historical Inspiration

Cargyll Twins

The duel between the Cargyll twins draws inspiration from George R.R. Martin’s book, Fire & Blood, upon which House of the Dragon is based. In this epic showdown, Ser Arryk is tasked with infiltrating Dragonstone under the guise of Ser Erryk, with a mission to seek revenge against Queen Rhaenyra and the blacks for the murder of Prince Jaehaerys, Aegon’s heir. While historical accounts differ on the specifics, they unanimously agree on one thing: both Cargyll brothers engage in a fierce battle that ultimately leads to their demise, mirroring the fate of the Clegane brothers in Game of Thrones’ Cleganebowl.

The Challenge of Surpassing Cleganebowl


While House of the Dragon season 2 has the potential to deliver an engaging and visually striking duel between the Cargyll twins, it faces a significant challenge in surpassing the legacy of Cleganebowl. Game of Thrones’ Cleganebowl was a momentous event that fans had anticipated for years, driven by the complex character arcs of Sandor “The Hound” Clegane and Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane. The emotional weight of their confrontation was earned through years of storytelling, making it a deeply satisfying and impactful showdown.

In contrast, the Cargyll twins, while intriguing characters in their own right, do not possess the same level of investment from the audience as the Clegane brothers did. Their roles in the story are comparatively limited, with less development and depth. While their duel may be thrilling, it won’t carry the same weight or emotional resonance as Cleganebowl. Additionally, Cleganebowl was a culmination of character arcs, while the Cargyll twins’ confrontation serves a different narrative purpose.

In Conclusion

House of the Dragon

As House of the Dragon season 2 prepares to deliver its own version of a sibling showdown with the Cargyll twins’ duel, it faces the challenge of living up to the legendary Cleganebowl from Game of Thrones. While the upcoming battle promises excitement and spectacle, it is unlikely to match the emotional depth and anticipation that surrounded the clash between the Clegane brothers. Nonetheless, it will undoubtedly be a memorable moment in the series, showcasing the epic conflicts and rivalries that define the world of Westeros.