Is War Machine A Skrull Imposter In The MCU? Fans Speculate

Fans Speculate That War Machine May Be A Skrull Imposter In The MCU’s Secret Invasion Series.

By Akshay Sharma
July 1,2023
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After the latest episode of Disney+’s Secret Invasion, fans have started to speculate that one of the Avengers heroes may be a Skrull imposter. While the original Secret Invasion comic event featured numerous heroes being revealed as Skrulls, Marvel Studios took a different approach in the Disney+ series. With the focus on special agents like Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Everett Ross, the only Avenger in sight so far is Don Cheadle’s Rhodey, aka War Machine, who has taken on a more political role. In this article, we will explore why fans believe War Machine may be a Skrull and discuss the implications of such a revelation.

Why Fans Think War Machine Is A Skrull

War Machine Takes On New Role In Secret Invasion Don Cheadle Spills The Beans

In episode 2 of Secret Invasion, War Machine’s character arc has raised suspicions among fans. Rhodey has taken on a new role as the right-hand man to US President Ritson, a position that seems out of character for him. Given that Skrulls seek to take control of Earth and influence politics, replacing someone in such a high-ranking government position would serve their goals. Furthermore, War Machine’s decision to fire Nick Fury from SABER raises eyebrows, as one would expect him to trust Fury after years of working together. This unexpected action by War Machine could potentially benefit the Skrulls by removing Fury, who could have opposed their plans.

Additionally, Rhodey suggests calling upon the Avengers for help, but Fury dismisses the idea due to the risk of Skrulls impersonating the heroes. Since the threat in Secret Invasion is more political and espionage-oriented, the Avengers may not be of much assistance. However, the Skrulls may be attempting to draw out the Avengers to obtain their advanced technology and incorporate their abilities into Gravik’s Super Skrull program. War Machine’s knowledge of the Skrulls’ presence on Earth for the past 15 years, which coincidentally matches the time since Cheadle took on the role, raises further suspicion. Some fans also point out that War Machine referring to Fury as “Nick” goes against Fury’s claim that nobody calls him by that name. However, other MCU characters have called Fury by his first name, so this may not be definitive evidence.

Why War Machine Should Be A Skrull In Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion Episode 2 

Rhodey’s potential reveal as a Skrull in Secret Invasion would have significant impact and create an intriguing storyline. As a long-standing character in the MCU, he has been a close friend and associate of Iron Man and a member of the Avengers. The original Secret Invasion comic event included dramatic reveals of superheroes being Skrulls, and War Machine is the only Avenger option in the Disney+ series for a similar twist. The marketing of Secret Invasion has emphasized the question of trust, and with other major human characters already revealed as Skrulls, Rhodey becomes a likely candidate.

Don Cheadle has hinted that Secret Invasion will have an impact on his upcoming solo movie, Armor Wars. Saving the real Rhodey from Skrull captivity, regardless of the time that may have passed, could create a compelling narrative in which he must readjust to a life lived by someone else. The plot of War Machine’s solo movie revolves around the consequences of Tony Stark’s technology falling into the wrong hands. This raises the possibility that Skrulls played a role in obtaining the technology or allowed it to fall into the wrong hands intentionally. Given the logical and narrative reasons for War Machine to be Secret Invasion’s big Skrull reveal, coupled with the mounting evidence in the series, fans have ample cause to be suspicious of his actions and motivations.


War Machine in Iron Man 2
War Machine in Iron Man 2

With the latest episode of Secret Invasion, fans have started to theorize that War Machine may be a Skrull imposter. The show’s shift toward a spy and espionage storyline provides an opportunity for a dramatic twist involving one of the Avengers. Rhodey’s actions, his close proximity to the US President, and his opposition to Nick Fury have fueled speculation among fans. Moreover, the impact of revealing War Machine as a Skrull would be significant, considering his long-standing presence in the MCU and his connections to Iron Man and the Avengers. As the series progresses, fans eagerly await further developments and potential revelations about War Machine’s true identity and allegiance.