Rumor: Red She Hulk Might Join The Thunderbolts

New Reports Reveal That Marvel Studios Might Introduce Red She-Hulk In The Thunderbolts Movie Instead Of Ross’s Red Hulk

By Kunal Sharma
October 22,2022
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Thunderbolts star Harrison Ford appears to be in a strong position to play the Red Hulk, although rumors say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe could still feature a Red Hulk without him. When the MCU Thunderbolts movie was revealed, speculation over whether Thunderbolt Ross would participate and eventually turn into Red Hulk arose. Red Hulk’s inclusion in a Thunderbolts squad would strengthen the team and broaden the skill sets in an essential way with a roster full of super soldiers and spies. These aspirations were only reignited by Harrison Ford’s new role as Thunderbolt Ross in Captain America: New World Order and Thunderbolts.

The Red She-Hulk

Red She Hulk
Red She Hulk

Reports say that Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine, a member of the Thunderbolts’ cast, may already be the Red Hulk. The revelation that Valentina is actually Red She-Hulk and a vital member of the Thunderbolts team would be a ton of fun, especially with She-Hulk playing into the prevailing theories around Red Hulk’s presence.

Harrison Ford taking on the role of Red Hulk at this stage would merely give Marvel Studios the chance to make up for something that ought to have happened much earlier and with William Hurt. Rumors say it would be easier for the MCU if Valentina became the Red She-Hulk for this reason. She has already been given the go-ahead to play for the Thunderbolts in some capacity. The Thunderbolts’ Nick Fury was supposed to be Valentina, but it would be a creative twist for Marvel to show that she is really the team’s most destructive member. It would instantly interpret her prior cameos and provide Marvel a way to incorporate several comic book characters and concepts into one.

Theory Time


Either Valentina has superpowers already or acquires them in the film, according to a Reddit theory. It would be relatively simple for the MCU to disclose that she is Red She-Hulk in Thunderbolts. Valentina may have had a past or present gamma mutation, which could be explained by The Leader’s reappearance in Captain America: New World Order. She-Hulk’s Intelligencia storyline might even be expanded on by Marvel to show that the character was collaborating with the organization to obtain She-Hulk’s blood for personal use. It’s not out of the question that Val may transform into a Red She-Hulk and battle alongside the other Thunderbolts anti-heroes because the MCU is easing the process for more individuals to get Hulk abilities.