10 MCU Characters Who Deserved Better

There are hundreds of characters in the MCU and some of them naturally get overshadowed by others. Some of the movies did not do justice

By Chandraboli Majumdar
August 23,2022
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There are hundreds of characters in the MCU and some of them naturally get overshadowed by others. Some of the movies did not do justice to certain characters and even killed off some of them too quickly. Let’s explore 10 such characters who met an unfortunate end.

1. Black Widow’s death was not mourned

Black widow death
Black widow death

Natasha Romanoff went from being a Russian spy to one of the original Avengers. However, it took a decade for her to get a solo movie. After her death in Endgame, all she got was a 2 minute mourning period and a few references in Hawkeye. Her sacrifice for the Soul Stone felt trivialized and she also didn’t get a funeral.

2. Lady Sif had very few MCU appearances

Lady Sif
Lady Sif

Asgardian warrior, Lady Sif was a fierce combatant who didn’t get nearly enough recognition or screen time in the MCU. This was however due to Jaimie Alexander’s busy schedule. Still, we would’ve loved to see more of her as she left a lasting impression even with her limited appearances.

3. Drax has lost his edge


Also known as Drax The Destroyer, it was unfortunate to see this strong powerful man who was out to avenge his family be reduced to comic relief. He was one of the most feared prisoners in the Kyln and could take on Gamora, the deadliest woman in the Galaxy. However, over the next few movies in the MCU, he became the butt of many jokes and his might was greatly underestimated.

4. Quicksilver appears in only 1 MCU movie


Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver is a very important character in the comics and has many storylines revolving around him. In the MCU, his character appears only in Age of Ultron and there’s barely any personality or character there. Although he died by sacrificing himself to save a kid, it seemed too quick of an ending (pun intended).

5. Frigga’s power’s were diminished


Another Asgardian, the Queen herself, was killed off too soon to serve as emotional motivation for her sons. Having been raised by witches, she learned Asgardian magic and soon passed it on to Loki. She helped him become the God of Mischief and she was a powerful, intelligent woman. Her character and abilities could have been explored in much better ways.

6. Phil Coulson in MCU’s The Avengers

Phil Coulson
Phil Coulson

Agent Phil Coulson is one of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s high-ranking members. He was someone who was invested in the Avengers initiative and genuinely believed in those superheroes. However, in the movie, he is quickly killed purely to further the plot and act as emotional motivation for the heroes. Despite the character returning during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., this movie did not do him justice.

7. Jarvis deserved better


This is one death that is barely acknowledged by fans. During Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ultron claimed his first victim in J.A.R.V.I.S. the AI developed by Tony Star. Although much of him was carried forward by Vision, they still aren’t the same. If not anyone else, Tony Stark was expected to mourn J.A.R.V.I.S. – one of his greatest creations, a programme that could learn and have its view of things.

8. Xu Wenwu’s death was a misstep by Marvel

Xu Wenwu
Xu Wenwu

Wenwu had a long and full life off-screen as he wielded the mystical Ten Rings and quickly became one of the most powerful men on the planet. However, on-screen his story was short-lived and there was barely any exploration of this wonderfully complex character. They could have covered a lot more of his adventures instead of killing him off to establish Shang Chi.

9. Malekith is one of MCU’s worst villains


The villain of Thor 2, Malekith the Accursed was misrepresented into a much sillier version of him. In the comics, he is a powerful and dangerous force. In the movie, his character does not feel threatening at all. Everything from his appearance to his uninspiring powers made him the worst villain in the MCU. He would’ve been defeated and killed by Frigga herself if it wasn’t for Kurse intervening.

10. Killmonger, a complex character, killed too quickly


Erik Killmonger deserved better both as a child and as an adult. His father was taken from him too quickly, he was deserted by his own family and eventually, the hatred consumed him. His ending although beautiful and impactful was too quick. Above all, there were several possibilities for exploring this complex character and understanding how childhood trauma affects lives.

We also have some special mentions. Ebony Maw and the rest of the Black Order did not possess most of their powers and were defeated much too easily. Ronan the accuser, a man strong enough to use an infinity stone was made to seem very silly when he lost because of a “dance battle”. Maria Hill is another Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who has never been given much attention during the movies.